Linda's Wisdom Wednesdays

It's a crazy time, but it doesn't mean you have to go crazy sitting at home.  Here are some things you can do while social distancing yourself at home:

  1.  Organize, Throw Away, and Fix Things - Organize your bookshelf, test all the pens in your home (how many times do you pick up a pen with no ink in it), and go through some old clothes. Also youtube items you think you can fix.
  2. Entertain Yourself - Read a book, old magazines laying around that you kept saying you'll get to (then throw them away), start at Instagram account, plan your next trip (after all, you deserve it after this)
  3. Pamper Yourself - Take a bath, paint your nails, put together a great playlist. Download some great podcast
  4. Cook or Bake Something You Normally Never Would - look at the canned and rice/pasta items you have and put together something creative, bake some bread or pretzels, explore fun recipe ideas by Googling a few ingredients and see the possibilities
Want some more ideas check out some more here.


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